
Viscomat II is now stainless

With the delivery of the 51:st Viscomat II, the Viscomat cabinet is made of stainless steel. This system was installed at a mill in Sweden in December 2016. Features and benefits of the new design:

  • The new cabinet is made out of polished stainless steel. This makes the system more robust and chemically resistant. Acetone can be used as the final agent for cleaning the viscometer tubes (after water). This is an advantage, as the currently recommended ethanol as a final rinse is not available in all labs due to restrictions.Viscomat II S + TC120-ST12 + Balance
  • All the basic measures on the new design are the same as on the old design, with the exception that the height from the bench to the working area is lower. This improves the working position for the users of the Viscomat system.
  • The protruding edge in the front of the working area is removed.
  • Two LED are mounted on the upper left front of the unit. These LED’s shows the status of the:
    • 5 V input, i.e. the USB input to the electronics in the Viscomat.
    • 12 V input (internal water pump).
  • An electrical switch for the internal water pump (12 V) is located on the rear left of the Viscomat, easily accessible.
  • The bottom of the cabinet is open facing the bottom front of the system. Thus, any water leaks inside the system will result in the leaking water flowing forwards and therefore visible to the user of the system.