
Latest news

Monday, 7 September, 2009

Nominering till ALMI’s Företagarpris 2009

Vi har blivit nominerade till ALMI’s Företagarpris 2009, med motiveringen “Lagge Control AB – ett företag med långsiktigt driv som siktar internationellt. Utifrån Sundsvall bedriver Lagge Control AB sin verksamhet där dom kontinuerligt utvecklar och tar fram nya konkurrenskraftiga produkter och tjänster inom främst vibrationsövervakning. Samtidigt som man nu genomför ett generationsskifte når man ut till internationella marknader.”

Tuesday, 1 September, 2009

Order to India

Lagge Control AB have recieved an order to deliver System Reporter for complete online vibration monitoring of three units of a hydro power plant in Dul Hasti, India, from NHPC. The system will use both distance transducers and accelerometers. This is Lagges fifth delivery of System Reporter to India.

Tuesday, 31 March, 2009

Lagge acquires Viscomat

Lagge Control AB has acquired the production rights for Viscomat 32020, which is a semi-automated system for determination of pulp viscosity from BerTech (Berge Technolgy AB). The system was initially developed by SCA. More than 70 systems have been sold since the system was introduced 1986, whereof 25 systems in Sweden.

Viscosity is an important property of pulp in many applications and it is often very critical to get a reliable determination.

The basic principle is that a pulp sample is dissolved in a solution of cupriethylenediamine (CED) and then passed through a capillary tube viscometer measuring the efflux time. The measurement and subsequent calculation of viscosity is automatic. The system implements the official SCAN 15:99, ISO 5351 and TAPPI 230 test methods.

Please click here for more information.

Tuesday, 24 March, 2009

Lagge i projekt med Åkroken

Lagge Control AB ingår tillsammans med fem andra företag i projektet “Affärsnytta med IT” som har initierats av Åkroken Science Park. Målsättningen är att göra små- och medelstora företag effektivare på en allt mer konkurrensutsatt marknad. Företag som säljer tjänster och produkter skall förbättra möjligheten att kommunicera med industrin genom elektronisk hantering av bla. order och fakturor. SSG Standad Solutions Group ingår i projektet som extern konsult med sin spetskompetens. – “För SSG betyder projektet att vi tillsammans, såväl med leverantörer som den tunga industrin på orten, kan utveckla, paketera och införa standardiserade och kostnadseffektiva lösningar för affärskommunikation” säger Sune Persson, utvecklingschef inom SSG Standard Solutions Group.

Tuesday, 25 November, 2008

Lessebo Bruk have selected System Reporter

VIDA Paper at Lessebo Bruk have selected Lagge Control AB as their partner for improving their equipment life and performance and maximize asset effectiveness by using condition based monitoring. Our off-line System Reporter is now used for monitoring of all three paper machines. The project will in the future be expanded to include the pulp factory and all other vital machine parts.

Saturday, 1 November, 2008

Lagge wins order in India

Lagge Control AB have recieved an order to deliver System Reporter for complete online vibration monitoring of five large irrigation systems in Kalwakurthy, India. This is Lagges fourth delivery of System Reporter to India, and the second to Kalwakurthy.

Friday, 1 August, 2008

New employee: Harald

We wish to welcome Harald Pettersen to Lagge. Harald has a PhD in analytical chemistry and a strong history within product development, with focus on requirement handling, project management, process development and statistics. His last position was as LEAN Leader/Six Sigma Black Belt at GE in Uppsala, Sweden. The primary focus at Lagge will be on Quality and Product development.

Monday, 14 April, 2008

Visit us at SPCI 2008

Visit us at SPCI 2008, World Pulp and Paper week, 27-29 May at Stockholm International Fairs & Conference Center. SPCI is the world’s largest trade fair for suppliers to the Pulp & Paper industry and the industry’s most important event. You will find Lagge Control AB at booth B01:11 together with Åkroken Science Park.

Wednesday, 27 February, 2008

Order to India

Lagge Control AB have received a new order from BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.), Indias leading company within the energy sector. We will deliver System Reporter for complete vibration monitoring of seven large irrigation systems.

Friday, 1 February, 2008

Order from BHEL, India

Lagge Control AB have recieved an order to deliver System Reporter for complete online vibration monitoring of seven large irrigation systems in Nettampadu, India, from BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.), Indias leading company within the energy sector. The order will be delivered in May and is worth 110 000 USD. This is Lagges third delivery of System Reporter to India.